Featured Product
Helps improve overall cognitive function including memory, attention and reaction time.
120 veg capsules/bottle; 500mg/caps NPN # 80045044
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"The article on low stomach acid by Jill Hillhouse was the best, most comprehensive I have ever read on the topic. Kudos to the writer. This newsletter is going to get forwarded to a lot of nutrition clients."
Helen P. - BA, RNCP, ROHP

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"I have to admit, I was somewhat in the dark before I started getting your newsletter. Keep it coming."
Nancy (Fredricton, NB)
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You have two adrenal glands, each about the size and weight of a large grape. They sit on top of your kidneys and dispatch the hormones you need to be fully functional. When they work well, you work well. If they start to falter—increasingly common at midlife—your symptoms can range from vague to debilitating. Without the hormones produced by these little glands, you’ll die. Even so, diagnosing adrenal fatigue isn’t even on most physicians’ radar. And without proper treatment, adrenal fatigue steadily gets worse.
Cancer is everywhere. It’s in all of us, all the time. Cancer becomes a problem only when it outperforms and then overwhelms your body’s natural defence mechanisms. If I could choose only one kind of therapy to protect myself against cancer, even if I’d already been diagnosed with it, my choice wouldn’t be chemotherapy or radiation. Instead, I’d pick medicinal mushrooms. And if hundreds of millions of cancer cells had already spread throughout my body (which would be tough for even the healthiest immune system to deal with), I might use chemo or radiation to cut down on my cancer load, but I’d use medicinal mushrooms to treat the cancer and help me heal faster from the chemo. To understand why I would choose this course, it helps to understand how your body normally defends itself against cancer, and what medicinal mushrooms can do.
We’re into autumn again, which means that it’s time for the annual flu scare. One year, the scare was about a mutant virus that wasn’t included in the prepared vaccine; another year it’s a “shortage” of the vaccine itself. The news has people lined up outside pharmacies and public health centers, waiting for hours to get the magic injection that will save their lives. Why is the public being scared into believing an epidemic is imminent, year after year, and being urged to get a so-called antidote for something that has not been scientifically proven to be effective? Yes, you probably guessed it. The flu vaccine is big money for pharmaceutical companies. Glaxo, manufacturer of the swine flu vaccine, saw profits soar into the billions in 2009 (1) and Novartis, makers of “flu shots” saw profits rise by 49% in the first quarter of 2010. (2) Sales have grown along with the escalation in warnings each season by the media about impending flu epidemics absent a flu shot.
Your immune system is directly responsible for your state of health. No one enjoys being sick and it is not normal to be sick all the time. Despite this many people suffer from chronic colds and flu and get caught in the antibiotic merry-go-round. This is the result of mistaken efforts to suppress the body’s natural defenses.
Vitamin D has been best known for its role in preventing rickets and supporting calcium absorption for bone health but research over the past couple of years has uncovered more about the other roles Vitamin D has in the body specifically, in the H1N1 era, with regard to immunity.
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Immunity Products
Innovite Health Adult Daily Probiotics are designed specifically with adults in mind. It is the perfect probiotic combination for helping adults maintain a healthy digestive system.
60 capsules / bottle NPN# 80048138
ColdNOx is our pick as the best cold & flu fighter available today. It combines the herb Andrographis with advanced nitric oxide technology, and reduces cold symptoms fast!
60 veg caps/box NPN # 80040811
OrthoAdapt is used in herbal medicine to help improve mental or physical performance after periods of mental or physical exertion and as a tonic to help relieve general debility and to aid during convalescence.
120 capsules/bottle, 625mg per caps NPN # 80039354
CurcuVIVA contains Curcuma longa extract, which is traditionally used in herbal medicine as an anti-inflammatory to help relieve joint pain. Curcuma longa also provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.
60 veg caps/bottle, 80mg per cap NPN # 80027414
Krill Oil (NKO) has unique properties for better bio-availability (use by bodily cells) than other fish oil product and is clinically proven in double-blind trials to benefit overall good health(4).
60 softgels/bottle, 500mg NPN # 80030058
Vitamin D is critically important in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus; also in maintaining a healthy immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems, cognitive function and emotional well-being.
30 ml/bottle NPN # 80021007
NEW, easy to use Vegan Vitamin D3 spray, from a vegan-friendly lichen
source, is the first in Canada. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to such health problems as osteoporosis, decreased immunity, and reduced ability to fight influenza.
400 IU/spray; 150 sprays/bottle NPN # 80051733
Every day we are exposed to toxins that over time can cause a variety of health problems. To help your body eliminate stored toxins and prevent further build-up, choose greens+ daily detox.
406 g/Can NPN# 80039258
Do you often feel tired or in need of a healthy, all-natural energy boost? Here’s your healthiest solution: greens+ extra energy.
399 g/Can NPN# 80010572
Despite following a healthy diet, we could all use extra nutritional support.To improve and protect your health, while increasing your energy and vitality, include greens+ multi+ every day.
459 g/Can NPN# 80011817
Now you can enjoy a superior source of all-natural vegetarian protein! With Vegan proteins+, you get a comprehensive formula containing the richest source of vegetarian proteins.
780 g/Can NPN# 8004360
Now you can enjoy a superior source of all-natural vegetarian protein! With Vegan proteins+, you get a comprehensive formula containing the richest source of vegetarian proteins.
780 g/Can NPN# 80043260
Did you know?...
Laboratory tests show that Krill Oil has 48x the antioxidant power of regular fish oil! Learn about the many anti-inflammatory benefits of this amazing omega-3. Read More...
“Cinnamon has been used for centuries as a natural folk remedy for the treatment of diabetes in Russia, China, Korea and India,” explains Dr. Maggie Laidlaw, PhD. “The health benefits of cinnamon and its blood glucose lowering abilities have been well-documented.” Read More...
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Healthy Tidbits
In this century, the world will have more people living into their 80s and 90s than ever before, with the number of people 80+ set to quadruple between 2000 and 2050.
Increased life expectancy is largely due to improvements in public health, and healthy ageing is linked directly to health in earlier stages of life.
Although it is natural for biological processes to decline with age, the rate at which our body’s decline is impacted by many controllable lifestyle factors such as how we eat, how we move, and how many toxic substances we are exposed to.
