Featured Product
An effective, DEET-free, toxin free, moisturizing, pH-balanced, botanical insect repellent that is gentle, safe, and effective for children and adults, and has a cool, refreshing citrus scent.
4 fl oz (119ml)/can
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"The article on low stomach acid by Jill Hillhouse was the best, most comprehensive I have ever read on the topic. Kudos to the writer. This newsletter is going to get forwarded to a lot of nutrition clients."
Helen P. - BA, RNCP, ROHP

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"I have to admit, I was somewhat in the dark before I started getting your newsletter. Keep it coming."
Nancy (Fredricton, NB)
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When it comes to choosing grain products, it’s a jungle out there. Claims of “multi-grain, stone ground and 100% wheat” can make one’s head to spin. Throw in additional claims or “source of fiber, fat-free, all-natural and organic” and product labels become a labyrinth of marketing terms. For the more than 330,000 Canadians who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, selecting typical grocery items like bread, cereal, crackers and muffins comes with an added layer of complexity, as Celiac Disease is an allergic response to the protein gluten found in many common grains. The gluten in wheat is particularity troublesome, even for those without Celiac. Zoomers suffering with Chron’s, Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease often find relief when selecting wheat-free grains that are lower in gluten than their “whole wheat” counterparts.
When it comes to choosing grain products, it’s a jungle out there. Claims of “multi-grain, stone ground and 100% wheat” can make one’s head to spin. Throw in additional claims or “source of fibre, fat-free, all-natural and organic” and product labels become a labyrinth of marketing terms. The MOST important factor when consuming grains is that they are whole. When choosing a grain product, from cereal bars to bread, flip the package over and check the ingredients list. If you see the words, “Whole grain rye, spelt, rice, etc.”, then you are on the right track.
Do you ever wonder if the foods you are eating are doing you harm? It is estimated that 15% of the population suffers from some form of food sensitivity. These food intolerances are now being recognized as playing a significant role in many chronic and acute diseases.
Would you say that as a kid, you could eat just about anything (and a lot of it), and digest it just fine? Would you also say that as an aging adult, you now have to avoid certain foods and/or beverages, or you’re more likely to react with a headache, or bloating and gas, or some other kind of inconvenient misery? You could easily have a food intolerance, and I want to tell you about a brand-new treatment that could help you in a way nothing else has been able to until now. This treatment goes way beyond avoiding the foods that turn you inside-out.
Did you know?...
Laboratory tests show that Krill Oil has 48x the antioxidant power of regular fish oil! Learn about the many anti-inflammatory benefits of this amazing omega-3. Read More...
“Cinnamon has been used for centuries as a natural folk remedy for the treatment of diabetes in Russia, China, Korea and India,” explains Dr. Maggie Laidlaw, PhD. “The health benefits of cinnamon and its blood glucose lowering abilities have been well-documented.” Read More...
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Healthy Tidbits
In this century, the world will have more people living into their 80s and 90s than ever before, with the number of people 80+ set to quadruple between 2000 and 2050.
Increased life expectancy is largely due to improvements in public health, and healthy ageing is linked directly to health in earlier stages of life.
Although it is natural for biological processes to decline with age, the rate at which our body’s decline is impacted by many controllable lifestyle factors such as how we eat, how we move, and how many toxic substances we are exposed to.
