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A Guilty Pleasure Without the Guilt - Cocoa & Heart Health
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darkchocolate_heartNew research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that a naturally occurring compound in cocoa called flavanols may benefit patients with heart disease by improving blood vessel function. (1)

It has been suggested that cocoa flavonols may work by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in blood vessels, encouraging relaxation of vessel walls, allowing for better blood circulation.

In the study, 16 patients with coronary artery disease were randomly assigned to receive either 9 milligrams or 375 milligrams of flavanols, twice daily for 30 days.

The authors reported that blood vessel function improved 47percent more with the higher concentration than the lower dose. The widening of blood vessels also helped to lower systolic blood pressure.

The authors concluded that regular dietary intake of flavanols may be beneficial to heart health. However, additional research is needed before definitive conclusions can be made.

Definitive or not, Leslie Beck RD, prominent Canadian nutritionist writes in her book, Heart Healthy Foods for Life, “a small square of dark chocolate appears to be a heart healthy indulgence. It’s certainly a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth than eating a box of Smarties”. (2)

References :

1.        Heiss C, Jahn S, Taylor M, et al. Improvement of endothelial function with dietary flavanols is associated with mobilization of circulating angiogenic cells in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Jul 13;56(3):218-24.View Abstract

2.        Leslie Beck, RD. Heart Healthy Foods for Life. P. 127 Penguin Group. 2009.


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Healthy Tidbits

As you advance in your senior years, the seasonal changes can have a greater impact on your system.

Your body is naturally built to strive for balance between external and internal environments and your brain acts like a natural thermostat.


When your body is overcome by heat in the environment, you may feel dizzy, thirsty, weak or nauseous.


Drinking plenty of fluids is a natural way to help your body maintain a proper internal temperature, prevent heat related muscle cramps and heat exhaustion.


An average of 75% of Canadian adults is chronically dehydrated, meaning they are consistently losing more fluid than they are taking in.

The feeling of thirst is NOT an accurate indicator of dehydration, so you must drink plenty of clear fluids consistently throughout each day.