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Sleep Well

Sleep Well Fall asleep quickly and naturally with Zwell’s Sleep Well. Quality and quantity of sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, and both are difficult to achieve as we get older. Solve this problem in a safe and natural way with Zwell's Sleep Well.


$16.90 100ml per bottle
NPN 80014766
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"The article on low stomach acid by Jill Hillhouse was the best, most comprehensive I have ever read on the topic.  Kudos to the writer.  This newsletter is going to get forwarded to a lot of nutrition clients."

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Formula F-L-W

Formula F-L-W An incredible product that has helped a great many people avoid the need for bypass and related surgeries. FLW uses an all-natural approach which is both safe and effective, and can be used as both therapy and prevention. A great, proven product.
$59.00 300 tablets/bottle
(DIN #01963872)
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Key Benefits at a Glance:

  • Simple and easy to take
  • Safe and highly effective for prevention and treatment
  • Targeted nutrients in the right quantity to deliver superior results
  • Made with the highest quality ingredients and no fillers

Product Description:

Over 50% of the population in the western world dies of diseases for which hardening of the arteries (also called Atherosclerosis) is the primary underlying cause. The material (plaque) that blocks blood vessels builds up gradually over many years. As plaque builds up in key locations, circulating clots become trapped in these narrow openings, suddenly cutting off blood supply to vital tissues, and precipitating heart attacks, strokes or gangrene - depending on where the blockage occurs.

Stretched out, our blood vessels would measure 60,000 miles in length. These critical pathways feed the body’s organs, tissues and cells with oxygen and vital nutrients. Clearing out this intricate network of flexible tubing can help rejuvenate and restore the entire body and prevent future cardiovascular problems from arterial plaque.

DavidOct07Formulated by renowned Canadian nutritionist, David Rowland, PhD, FLW is a unique multi vitamin and mineral supplement designed to provide the proper quality and quantity of raw materials required by the body to clear out arterial plaques, protect and heal arterial damage and fight environmental toxins that contribute to the deterioration of cardiovascular health.

Over 100 nutritional studies have shown that the nutrients in FLW help the body -

  • Dissolve the fatty plaque on the artery wall,
  • Keep blood fats in solution,
  • Dilate blood vessels,
  • Neutralize and destroy free radicals,
  • Produce antioxidants to protect cellular membranes,
  • Lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and
  • Remove heavy metals.

Since every single cell in the body receives nourishment via the bloodstream, as the blood flow improves, so does each cell’s potential to receive more of the vital nutrients needed for optimal function. An increased blood supply also improves the body’s ability to carry away cellular waste products, which, when allowed to accumulate, can contribute to a number of degenerative conditions. Arterial cleansing helps the body to both nourish and detoxify itself - two important factors for optimal health.

As FLW supports optimal circulation in the arterial system, transformational healing can occur throughout the entire body. Even those who do not suffer from diagnosed circulatory problems have reported improved memory, more energy, warmer hands and feet, better vision, and a more youthful appearance.  Additional conditions reported to have improved from arterial cleansing include Alzheimer’s disease, diabetic retinopathy, impotence, prostate problems, varicose veins and heavy metal toxicity. All of these benefits occur simply by restoring your body's circulation to its youthful state, allowing blood to rush vital nutrients and oxygen to every cell while detoxifying unwanted waste.

FLW is an exceptional multi-vitamin and mineral formulation, a common supplement that most people take as nutritional insurance, in addition to a healthy diet. Simply by choosing a targeted formula created for the special needs of those Canadians aged 45+ and known for its safety, purity and efficacy, you can enjoy outstanding benefits without having to take extraordinary measures.


This product DOES NOT CONTAIN milk, egg, fish, peanuts, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, yeast, gluten, artificial sweeteners, flavours or colours.

Recommended Dosage & Usage:

For Arterial Cleansing - Take 10 tablets in divided amounts with meals. The duration of the cleanse should equal one month for every decade of your life. For example, if you are sixty years old, your cleanse should last for a 6 month duration. After completing the cleanse, reduce your dose to maintenance level.

For Maintenance - After completing the arterial cleanse, take 3-6 tablets per day in divided amounts with meals, on-going, as a daily multi-nutrient. One time per year, increase the dosage back up to 10 tablets per day for one month only.

For Diabetics - Due to the high risk factors associated with Diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the recommendation is to take 10 tablets daily, in divided amounts with food, on-going, for optimal results.

Warnings & Contraindications:

FLW is a multi vitamin and mineral supplement formulated with optimal cardiovascular health in mind. FLW has been sold in Canada and around the world for more than 25 years, often to people already on cholesterol and blood pressure lowering medications without contraindication.


Well over 500,000 people have used this product safely and successfully, however, everyone is unique. If you are being treated for a medical condition or are taking prescription medications, it is always a good idea to consult your licensed health care professional to ensure this product is right for you.


Statements about these products and health conditions have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. For the Complete disclosure statement click here.


Hennig B, Bissonneault GA.Int Clin Nutr.Rev 8(3):1349, 1998

Chakraberry S et al. Molec Cell Biochem 111. 41-7, 1992

Bonshey CJ et al. JAMA 274(13):1049-57, 199

Yerhoef P et al. Am J Eyidemioll 43(9): 843-59, 1996

Lussier-Cacan et al. Am J Clin Nutr.64, 587-93, 1996

Denke M et al.J Nutr 123. 1047-53, 1993

Lauler DP, Ed. Am J Cardiol 16 (14): 41 G-46G, 1989

Young Db et al. Am J Physiol 268 (4 PT 2):8825-8837, 1975

Simonoff M. Cardiovasc Res 18 (10):591-6, 1984

Bunker VW, Clayton BE BJCP 44(8): 401-3, 1990

Hennig B et al. J Nutr 122:1242-7, 1992


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Did you know?...

For many people, eating the nightshade family of food (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers) can worsen Osteoarthritis. Read More...


Chocolate can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, and can be a perfect treat for people with Type 2 diabetes.  Read More...


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Healthy Tidbits

Arthritis affects more Canadian adults than cancer, heart disease, respiratory conditions and spinal cord trauma.



Osteoarthritis, the most common of all arthritic conditions strikes 1 in 10 Canadians and is among the most commonly diagnosed chronic condition in this country today.



Arthritis is the most common of all joint disorders.



In a 2009 poll commissioned by the Arthritis Society of Canada, almost two-thirds of Canadians living with arthritis reported that they believe physical activity poses the risk of aggravating their symptoms. Many remain sedentary in an attempt to keep their joints comfortable but this is a dangerous misconception.



In fact, strengthening the muscles, ligaments and tissues surrounding affected joints can diminish pain, increase mobility, improve flexibility and promote long-term health. “The benefits of physical activity for people with arthritis are remarkable,” notes Dr. Joanne Homik, Chair of The Arthritis Society’s Medical Advisory Committee.