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SuperMeal Berry - Coming Soon

SuperMeal Berry - Coming Soon SuperMeal is a dietary supplement specially formulated for the nutritional needs of men & women age 45+. For many, meeting optimal nutrient requirements is challenging on a consistent, daily basis.


$98.00 Can contains 14 servings
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Dr Kelly Upcott
Beat Those BugsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Dr Kelly Upcott

Our immune system is directly responsible for our state of health. No one enjoys being sick, and it is not normal to be sick all the time. Despite this, many people suffer from chronic colds and flues and get caught in the antibiotic merry-go-round. This is the result of mistaken efforts to cure, and suppression of, our bodies natural defense.

Immunity is the ability of the body to overcome infection. The immune system is one of the most complex systems of the body. It consists of the thymus, thyroid, spleen, bone marrow, adrenal glands, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and specialized white blood cells such as B cells, T cells, macrophage “scavenger” cells, and antibodies. Each has a different responsibility but they all function together.

A healthy immune system will usually resist the most virulent of colds and flus with ease. Colds and flus are caused by viruses- minute organisms which are responsible for disease. We are exposed to these viruses all year round but during the winter months our immune defenses are overwhelmed and it makes us more vulnerable to attack.  The first step is to discover what is causing our immune systems to become suppressed.

If the immune system is overworked by fighting off toxins that we continually subject it to it eventually breaks down.  There are many factors responsible for the sad state of immune health today. The overuse of antibiotics is a big one and with that comes new strains of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to existing antibiotics. Chemical pollutants in our food, water and air result in a compromised immune system.  It can become run-down from lack of fresh air, daily exercise and stress.

A sore throat, itchy eyes and runny nose are all symptoms brought about by our bodies immune response to cold and flu viruses.  Therefore it does not make sense to severely suppress them through the use of commercial over-the-counter cold preparations and antibiotics. There is a time and place for antibiotics. Severe bacterial infections can run rampant when these valuable medications are not used but since antibiotics cannot kill viruses they are useless when given to treat the common cold or flu. The over-use of antibiotics can result in severe suppression of the immune system, in turn allowing more viruses to take over.  If you have to take antibiotics be sure to follow it up with probiotics, or “good” bacteria, to prevent further susceptibility.

The naturopathic approach to disease is to eliminate disease by removing the root cause and by raising the body’s general vitality so that it’s natural and inherent ability to sustain health is allowed to dominate.  Concentrate on eating simple, nutritious foods, soups, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and their juices, and lots of liquids to help flush out toxins. Drink a green energy drink daily, such as Greens +, as it contains a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and fibre.  Fruit juices are too sweet on their own so dilute them.  Glucose and Vitamin C compete for the same transport sites into white blood cells.  For this reason avoid sugar and sugary foods when you are sick, as 1 tsp of sugar can shut down your immune system for 8 hours.  Flax seed oil is an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids and helps strengthen our bodies resistance to infections.

There are many herbs, vitamins and minerals that particularly in combination can significantly reduce the risk of contracting a cold and/or reduce the symptoms and duration. Herbs like Echinacea, goldenseal, garlic, astragalus and pau d’arco are beneficial to have on hand. Echinacea, or purple coneflower, has been used for centuries to heal infections and wounds. It activates the B and T cells, the two most important soldier cells of the immune system and helps the lymphatic system remove toxins and waste materials. Take echinacea and goldenseal, a natural antibiotic, at the first sign of a sniffle. Astragalus increases the number of immune cells improving the overall activity of the immune system. Pau d’arco is anti-microbial and is an effective killer of viruses, bacteria, worms and fungi. Medicinal mushrooms, like reishi, shitake and maitake have been used extensively throughout history to treat a wide variety of conditions, including low immune function, cancer and high stress levels. Oil of oregano is a rich source of a variety of vitamins and minerals and is especially rich in Vitamin C. Take one dose a day throughout the winter for cold and flu prevention. Garlic can help ward off a cold by warming the body and it has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Vitamin C helps our white blood cells engulf and destroy viral invaders while increasing the antibodies needed to fight infection. There are no adverse effects from taking high doses of Vitamin C but if diarrhea occurs as a result, you have reached your bowel tolerance and can reduce the dosage. Vitamin A helps protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs.  This helps prevent invasion by other disease-causing organisms such as bacteria which may cause a secondary infection.  It can be taken in the form of beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A, in higher dosages. Zinc lozenges soothe a sore throat and help fend off a cold before it takes hold.

There are many important lifestyle tools that can help keep your defenses up. Good sleep is essential since our immune system functions best while we are asleep. Many infections could be avoided if we simply washed our hands more; 10-15 times per day is a good goal. Add tea tree oil to a vaporizer or sprinkle a few drops on a handerchief and place under your pillow. And last but not least, my favourite home remedy is the “warming socks” technique.  This procedure should be used at the first sign of any congestion in the eyes, ears, sinus, throat or lungs.  Soak a pair of cotton socks in cold water. After wringing them out thoroughly place the wet socks on your feet, cover them with thick wool socks and go to bed.  You will find the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning.

Remember that the cornerstone to good health is a strong immune system. Don’t wait until you are sick.  Nourish your immune system every day.


Immunity Products

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 Vitamin D deficiency can lead to such health problems as osteoporosis, decreased immunity, and reduced ability to fight influenza. This all natural, certified organic, food source D3 product is our recommendation as the best product in the market today.


$8.50 120 tablets/bottle
1000 IU/tablet
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Krill Oil (Omega-3)

Krill Oil (Omega-3) Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and support cognitive health and brain function. This great product delivers 230 mg of potent Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, in a convenient softgel form.


$33.00 60 soft gel capsules/bottle
Promo Code : KRILLOPC - combo with OPC-10 $69.99
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OPC-10 OPC-10 is a nutritious and delicious isotonic drink. As our selection as the best OPC product on the market, it has a full range of the most potent antioxidants, delivering the crucial polyphenols and proanthocyadins for maximum health benefit.


$48.00 300g liquid/bottle, 30 servings
Promo Code : KRILLOPC - combo with Krill Oil $69.99
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Healthy Tidbits

Researchers found that flow-mediated dilation (FMD), a marker of blood vessel function and heart health significantly improved after resveratrol supplementation compared to placebo. These beneficial effects increased with higher doses.

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A study recently conducted states side on a group of Zoomers with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease demonstrated better balance and mobility amongst those who participated in an hour long dance class, twice per week.  Benefits lasted for several weeks after the dance classes ended and participants reported great enjoyment from partner dancing such as Tango.

According to a new study, researchers at Oxford University conducted a two-year trial with volunteers with mild cognitive impairment, characterized by slight problems with memory loss, language skills or other mental functions and found that large doses of B vitamins can halve the rate of brain shrinkage and may slow the progression towards dementia.

A recently published Swedish study, which followed over 30 thousand women during a ten year period, assessed the impact of a taking a daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement on heart disease and heart attack risk.

Of the healthy women who began the study, those taking a daily multi exhibited a 27% less change of having a heart attack versus their non-supplementing counterparts. The findings also suggest that the longer the women were taking their supplements the better the preventative effects.