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Younger Next Year

Younger Next Year

Dr. Henry Lodge provides the science. Chris Crowley provides the motivation. And through their New York Times bestselling program, you''l discover how to put off 70 percent of the normal problems of aging.


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330 pages
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Kristen Schiener

RNCP Registered Nutritionist

Toronto, ON, Canada


Kristen Schiener, Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner is "Toronto's most popular nutritionist". Kristen's extensive training in natural nutrition has enabled her to help hundreds of clients find health, optimize weight, improve energy and enhance athletic performance. A graduate of the Edison Institute of Nutrition, Kristen completed her studies at the top of her class and went on to complete a mentorship program with Canada’s largest Holistic Nutrition practise.

Kristen has an established a nutritional practise offering therapeutic dietary and supplement recommendations that address the root cause of imbalance in the body. Working co-operatively with a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Chiropractic Kristen is a valued member of the health care team at Avenue Health Centre in the Yorkville area of Toronto.

In addition to her one-on-one counselling Kristen is a nutrition writer, speaker and sought after media spokesperson, typically sharing her expertise in the areas of digestive health and blood sugar management. Kristen has appeared in radio and print media nationwide and has been a guest on Real Life with Sharon Caddy, Rogers Daytime, Global News and City TV. 

Kristen's mission is to share her passion for nutrition and in doing so, empower others towards the healthy, balanced and joyful lives they were meant to live.

Asked to comment on Zwell’s The Four Pillars of Zwellness, our holistic approach to total well being, Ms. Schiener replied:

“My personal philosophy of health care is one where the body is supported towards natural balance and optimal function by offering it the very best raw materials available. Good food, all-natural supplements, regular exercise, rest and play are the fundamental principles I teach in my nutrition practise, so the Zwell approach to total body wellness and longevity fits very well with my core values as a practitioner.”

-      Kristen Schiener, April 2010


Did you know?...

For many people, eating the nightshade family of food (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers) can worsen Osteoarthritis. Read More...


Chocolate can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, and can be a perfect treat for people with Type 2 diabetes.  Read More...


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Healthy Tidbits

Researchers found that flow-mediated dilation (FMD), a marker of blood vessel function and heart health significantly improved after resveratrol supplementation compared to placebo. These beneficial effects increased with higher doses.

A recent study of nearly 3 dozen healthy Zoomers revealed that 60-minutes of yoga, 3 times per week was able to trigger a natural “anti-anxiety” chemical in the brain called GABA,  versus the same amount of time spent walking. Those in the yoga test group had higher blood levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which is often recommended as a dietary supplement for those experiencing anxiety and depression.

A study recently conducted states side on a group of Zoomers with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease demonstrated better balance and mobility amongst those who participated in an hour long dance class, twice per week.  Benefits lasted for several weeks after the dance classes ended and participants reported great enjoyment from partner dancing such as Tango.

According to a new study, researchers at Oxford University conducted a two-year trial with volunteers with mild cognitive impairment, characterized by slight problems with memory loss, language skills or other mental functions and found that large doses of B vitamins can halve the rate of brain shrinkage and may slow the progression towards dementia.

A recently published Swedish study, which followed over 30 thousand women during a ten year period, assessed the impact of a taking a daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement on heart disease and heart attack risk.

Of the healthy women who began the study, those taking a daily multi exhibited a 27% less change of having a heart attack versus their non-supplementing counterparts. The findings also suggest that the longer the women were taking their supplements the better the preventative effects.