Featured Product
Zwell mealZ is a wholefood meal and dietary supplement specially formulated for the nutritional needs of men and women in their 40s and beyond. Re-formulated based on the latest science, mealZ is powerful nutrition for living better longer.
Contains up to 14 Complete Meal Servings or 28 Snack Servings
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"The article on low stomach acid by Jill Hillhouse was the best, most comprehensive I have ever read on the topic. Kudos to the writer. This newsletter is going to get forwarded to a lot of nutrition clients."
Helen P. - BA, RNCP, ROHP

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"I have to admit, I was somewhat in the dark before I started getting your newsletter. Keep it coming."
Nancy (Fredricton, NB)
Anti-Aging & Longevity
What's Hot In Anti-Aging?
Dr. Laux's Personal Regime For Vitality
Keys To Longevity And How You Need To Take Control
Anti-Aging & Longevity Products
Zwell mealZ is a wholefood meal and dietary supplement specially formulated for the nutritional needs of men and women in their 40s and beyond. Re-formulated based on the latest science, mealZ is powerful nutrition for living better longer.
Contains up to 14 Complete Meal Servings or 28 Snack Servings
Had it with endless bouts of cold or flu? Finally, you can create a strong immune system, able to fight foreign invaders and keep you healthy all year round, with the unique and clinically proven power of Immunz.
60 capsules/bottle SUB NPN # 173697
Zwell has picked REFLEXIR™ as the best natural product to address joint pain, and the stiffness and inflammation that are commonly associated with arthritis and overuse. Why settle for temporary relief of pain when you can get to the root of the problem?
90 capsules/bottle EN-138145
Zwell’s Krill Oil has unique properties for better bio-availability (use by bodily cells) than other fish oil product and is clinically proven in double-blind trials to benefit good health.
Krill Oil Omega-3 60softgel caps/bottle, NPN 80006416
Fall asleep quickly and naturally with Zwell’s Sleep Well. Quality and quantity of sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, and both are difficult to achieve as we get older. Solve this problem in a safe and natural way with Zwell's Sleep Well.
100ml per bottle NPN 80014766
OPC-10 is a nutritious and delicious isotonic drink. As our selection as the best OPC product on the market, it has a full range of the most potent antioxidants, delivering the crucial polyphenols and proanthocyadins for maximum health benefit.
300g liquid/bottle 30 servings
We believe that sexual performance is complex and relies upon both physical and emotional well-being. Yet stress, illness and even the natural aging process can undermine your efforts to stay sexually healthy.
60 tablets/bottle
This highly absorbable form of CoQ10 is an ideal choice to replenish cells depleted of this essential nutrient from aging and statin drug use.
100mg, 100 softgels LEF Item # 00950
This formula is designed to counteract age-related structural and functional changes in cells, promoting optimal function and delaying decay.
120 capsules LEF Item # 01568
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to such health problems as osteoporosis, decreased immunity, and reduced ability to fight influenza. This all natural, certified organic, food source D3 product is our recommendation as the best product in the market today.
120 tablets/bottle 1000 IU/tablet - NPN 80006029
UltraLongevity by Dr. Mark Liponis presents a revolutionary idea: that aging and aging-related diseases - including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes - are autoimmune problems, and that a well-managed immune system is the key to healthy aging.
Printed Paperback 304 pages
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Did you know?...
Laboratory tests show that Zwell Krill Oil has 48x the antioxidant power of regular fish oil! Learn about the many anti-inflammatory benefits of this amazing omega-3. Read More...
“Cinnamon has been used for centuries as a natural folk remedy for the treatment of diabetes in Russia, China, Korea and India,” explains Dr. Maggie Laidlaw, PhD. “The health benefits of cinnamon and its blood glucose lowering abilities have been well-documented.” Read More...
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Healthy Tidbits
In this century, the world will have more people living into their 80s and 90s than ever before, with the number of people 80+ set to quadruple between 2000 and 2050.
Increased life expectancy is largely due to improvements in public health, and healthy ageing is linked directly to health in earlier stages of life.
Although it is natural for biological processes to decline with age, the rate at which our body’s decline is impacted by many controllable lifestyle factors such as how we eat, how we move, and how many toxic substances we are exposed to.